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Team Banana4Life is in!

posted by bananafourlife | 12 December 2014

Hey guys,

We are four students from Germany. It’s the third time we join the contest. Our last game at Ludum Dare 30 was Disconnect: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-30/?action=preview&uid=41477 . This time we will use following tools and technologies:

Programming Language / Engine: Java / libgdx

IDE: IntelliJ

Version Control / GUI: git / SmartGit

Graphics: GraphicsGale

Sound: Garageband

Streaming: OBS

Our stream will be in german language. You can find it at http://www.twitch.tv/bananafourlife . We have a shared twitter account https://twitter.com/bananafourlife where we will post when we will stream. Just follow us to see the hottest news about our streams.


Have a nice Ludum Dare 31,

Team Banana4Life