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Where is mommy - Postmortem

posted by Unknown | 26 April 2017

Hey fellow gamedevs,

We are a team of four German students (Faithcaio (@faithcaio), pschichtel (@pschichtel), jQnas (@jqnas), and Rahtainka (@rahtainka)) and we name ourselves Banana4Life.

We have developed the game Where is mommy for the fifth ludum dare we took part in.

I personally think it's our best entry so far.


What went right?

  • The game is playable and we noticed no bugs so far
  • We all met up at one place and were really productive
  • We have decided to take part only as a core team (4 persons) and have done more and a better game than the last time with 7 persons
  • We slept a reasonable amount of time (and weren’t completely destroyed after the weekend)
  • We used Unity with Git this time instead of Unity Collab
  • We had even time left at the end and it was all very relaxed
  • We had a lot of fun

What went wrong?

  • We had some problems with the movement controller

What we want to do better?

  • I think we could improve our streaming setup (this time we had some troubles with our streaming server and had no webcam and no microphone)

My personal thoughts

In our team I'm responsible for the music and the sound and my goals were to create the right mood with the background music and sounds and to write and record my second self written song. I think the first goal I well fulfilled and the self written song for the credits I wrote and record in the last five hours. So for this amount of time it has become good. I am very proud of the heartbeat sound which I have made myself completely.

Until the next Ludum Dare I would like to make more music to get more practice with Logic X Pro and recording stuff. Because I have noticed that I get better with every Ludum Dare but only deal with it during the gamejam and I think more practice can never hurt.


I hoped you liked our short writeup.

If you are curious now, you can play our game "Where is mommy?": https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/38/$23106

or listen to my music: https://soundcloud.com/rahtainka

We would love to get feedback from you!


Team Banana4Life | Rahtainka

P.S.: For the self written song you have to finish the game. It isn't on soundcloud yet 😉